Tip of the week...

TIP #1

Did your little sweetie get a splinter or piece of glass in their foot? Make it a spa day! Pour epsom salts (preferrably scented and/or colored) in a bowl of warm water to soak their feet. Soak their feet while doing their nails or make-up. If you have a helper, get them to do fish the offending object from the foot while the child is distracted with their fingernails. This has worked for us twice! Once with a 20 month old, and once with a three year old!

*If you are alone trying to do this, do their nails first and hopefully they'll be so worried about smudging the polish, they won't dare move while you tweeze at their foot!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No kids allowed... just a note...

A note to those who want to ban my ill-behaved children from your establishments...

I agree. Wholeheartedly. When my toddler is kicking and screaming, I want to, and often do, grab her and haul her outside to finish her fit. However, I can't help but be struck with the impression that these same child-phobes are a bit schizophrenic...

Wasn't it only a few years ago that everyone was screaming, "Don't spank your kids!!!" Mothers were arrested, caught on camera and villified, humiliated, and labeled awful things for disciplining their kids. I watched on the news as one mother had gotten to her van from the mall, grabbed her toddler, set the child inside and proceeded to tear its little butt up!! She was arrested for child abuse. So now, a few years later we are inundated with ill-behaved little banshees running around like drunken monkeys. I am a spanker for defiance. If my children defy me (which obviously has multiple outlets) they will receive a spanking. I also recently introduced a new tactic. I will count, as many mothers do, but each number I reach means a spanking. As long as I am consistent with it, I normally only have to say 1 before my hyperactive little girl stops and sits. Obviously I am not very consistent (I hate spanking my kids) since normally I reach 6 or worse, 10!! I prefer to use a wooden spoon. They have very little mass and produce and nice spank rather than a hit. This however has led to the disappearance of most of my wooden spoons...

Lately I've noticed very few childless people being mortified at the sight or sound of a kid being spanked. Now they seem to only nod with that knowing smile (what!?). So onward to the decision of certain places banning kids...

If you market you place as a family restaurant, ever! I would say you'd better not ban kids. That is just stupid. You can seat me in a secluded section in the back with other kids, so long as it is just as awesome as the rest of your restaurant. As a parent, I would like this option. I don't like disturbing other people's meals anymore then they like it. Oh, and be mindful of childproofing. Here are some other tips...
  • Raised booths are not highchair friendly.
  • Put outlet covers on exposed outlets.
  • Put locks on any cabinets (unless you want hear the door being slammed repeatedly followed by a mother yelling, "Come here, now!!!")
  • Do not put glasswear in their reach, ever!
  • Train your waitstaff! They don't have to goo goo over the child, but teach them to be polite and tactful if they have to ask a parent to contain their child or something similar. Be helpful. If the food arrives and little Sue needed to pee, "right now!!" or was just not listening and needed a timeout in the bathroom, please put a cover on the parent and child's plates to help retain heat.
  • Have actual kids cups and teach waitstaff to only fill up what they're willing to clean up, but to check back often for refills. This is not normally needed for older toddlers, just little'uns. I have had a pint of milk land on the floor under my kids chairs and go everywhere. I feel awful, the child is sad and the staff is not happy. Also, my kids rarely finish that much of any beverage (except chocolate milk)
  • Be prepared to offer different sides and I would suggest watching the sugar and red dye content on everything. This is for your own sanity.
If you do not market to families, good. Parents should be mindful, yes I said it. If it is not a "Family" restaurant, think twice before taking kids there. I'd love to take my daughter to the melting pot, but A. It's expensive B. There's hot stuff on the table!! C. It is obviously a date night place. If they offered a kids evening, I would so be there...

I'm not done, but I have to go to work. Thanks for reading! See you soon!

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