Tip of the week...

TIP #1

Did your little sweetie get a splinter or piece of glass in their foot? Make it a spa day! Pour epsom salts (preferrably scented and/or colored) in a bowl of warm water to soak their feet. Soak their feet while doing their nails or make-up. If you have a helper, get them to do fish the offending object from the foot while the child is distracted with their fingernails. This has worked for us twice! Once with a 20 month old, and once with a three year old!

*If you are alone trying to do this, do their nails first and hopefully they'll be so worried about smudging the polish, they won't dare move while you tweeze at their foot!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Alarming... your word for the day...

Alarmed is a word we have all read in novels from time to time. "She was very alarmed..." "It was very alarming to..." However not all of us have ever experienced the set of emotions behind that word to truly understand and comprehend it to the fullest extent. I have now... yay?

This is day 3 of rerouting the plumbing through our attic. My brother and another tech from my family's A/C business are doing the work. Both of then are highly knowledgeable, and skillfull. Accidents do happen, however...

It all started this morning when I went to look for boxes to pack stuff up to move into storage. Since it has been raining for over a week like we're suddenly living in the rainforest every place that I normally go for boxes had nothing but soggy boxes, and the other places crush theirs before they can allow anyone to take away the .002 cents they recoup as a store by selling them to a recycler or returning them to the vendor. I finally returned home, defeated and found my wonderful grandmother at my house cleaning...

Now my grandmother helps me clean my house. I don't care what you think. I like things to be clean, but with kids around cleaning is kind of like fighting a dragon with a toothpick... freaking impossible. The number of times I have been cleaning up one mess only to hear that wonderful crashing sound we as mothers dread, or worse, The Silence... Only a mom can identify what kind of mess they are about to clean by the sound of what just fell. Anyway, I see little point to constant cleaning. My grandmother however claims that in addition to working a full time job, she chased five children (my father, uncle, and their cousins) and kept her house immaculate, was active in civic duties, and still had time to not only serve a hot dinner every night, but she cooked lunch!! Sandwiches apparently are for lazy people to feed their children. So to help me out, since I am so _________, ____, and ________ (use your imagination), she comes over once or twice a week to help me with laundry, dishes, and to sweep and mop. Since our washer was not hooked up, she took all of our laundry with her to clean and bring back tomorrow. What a wonderful woman!

I did my weekly grocery shopping, this week adding to it the things I will need to make the ginormous castle cake that was requested by my princesses for their birthdays. I have always wanted to make one!! I managed to speed thruogh the store and get everything I needed before the kids reached meltdown mode (they hit it as I was swiping my card to check out). At least I think I got everything. My list was on my phone, and the kids were playing with it the whole time, and I'm too scared to look and see what I forgot. The kids fell asleep in the car on the way home (YAY!!!! Oh... yay!) I get home and bring the groceries in, letting Brad and the other tech finish up before bringing in the kids. I bring in my heavy sleeping, Diana, and lay her down. As I shut her door I hear water squirting under pressure, like out of a sink. I smile thinking the water is hooked up, as the sound is coming from my hall bathroom, but no one's in there. I look in and realize the water is in fact not coming from in there. I look down to see water rushing out of Dani's bedroom and BAM! My heart skipped a beat and my eyes widened. All I could manage to say was, "Uh, GUYS!!" with my voice getting higher with each passing nanosecond. I leaped over the growing pool in my hallway (on my wood laminate floors!!!) and hurried to the front. The other tech saw me and looked behind me. They shut the water back off and I realized, my sweet grandma took all but two of our towels. I have no way to clean it up. I grab one of the two towels, the reject of all of our towels, the one with the most wear that is misshapen, faded horribly, tattered, and frayed and I layed it in the middle of the water, feeling helpless is it seems only to sink. My brother says he has a shop vac, but its loud. I said I'll just sit with the kids in the car. As I carry my sleeping toddler to the car I realize it. I was alarmed!! I have never before understood the defination until now!! Amazing! Understanding the true meaning of that word was akin to being simultaneously healed from blindness, shocked by static, and lifted off my feet!! Wow! I truly understood that word to its fullest extent! What an amazing epiphany! Alarmed. I was alarmed!! It was like when I met and fell in love with my husband and for the first time ever understood where the phrase head-over-heels-in-love came from. As I calmed down I realized I was a total nerd. So here I sit, in my car, listening to the radio, with two sleeping girls behind me. My brother and the tech just left, so I'm gonna bring them inside so they can wake up and ruin my chances at a brief nap. See you guys later! Next time I'll review a few restaurants I've enjoyed lately! Maybe tonight, maybe not. We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a totally understandable definition of the word "alarmed". Love it! Especially the phrase "fighting a dragon with a toothpick".
