Tip of the week...

TIP #1

Did your little sweetie get a splinter or piece of glass in their foot? Make it a spa day! Pour epsom salts (preferrably scented and/or colored) in a bowl of warm water to soak their feet. Soak their feet while doing their nails or make-up. If you have a helper, get them to do fish the offending object from the foot while the child is distracted with their fingernails. This has worked for us twice! Once with a 20 month old, and once with a three year old!

*If you are alone trying to do this, do their nails first and hopefully they'll be so worried about smudging the polish, they won't dare move while you tweeze at their foot!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Wow... finally!!

Ok, I finally did it. I created a blog. I won't lie, I used to say how stupid this was. How much of a waste of time. I get it though. My hunger for creativity and writing finally got the best of me. The posts I will post will vary in content, here are some (not all!) topics...
  • Restaurant reviews: Yes, I eat out waaay too much!! I also have two kids, so I have experienced the animosity "families" receive when walking into a kid-unfriendly establishment. One waitress even took something from my toddler, then looked shocked when the child began crying (precisely what did you expect?!?). I will talk about places I go only after eating there twice. I will talk about the food, the condition of the high chairs (greasy, sticky, broken), the variability of the kids menu (what do you mean they can only have fries!?), the service (this is the reason for needing to eat there at least twice, I know there are off-nights), and everything else I experience. I will not post anything untrue or grossly exaggerated. I will not post names, unless I receive permission from the person. I may or ay not post the restaurant namt, I may only put hints as to the restaurant. I hope this garners laughs and good decisions in eating out!!
  • Selling my house: I am about to list my house for sale. I am also about to purchase a new home. Having two kids, three kittens, and an aging chihuahua only adds to the stress and I'm sure will allow for some humor and aggravation. I will allow the world to be privy to it only if you promise to laugh.
  • Kids stuff: I will post tips, tricks, reviews, etc about kid related stuff. Trips we take, toys we try, books we read, problems we have, and shows we watch will be reviewed. I've noticed a have a sense of... foresight when it comes to noticing potential problems in toys and such. I saw that the bumpo baby seat was hazardous before they yanked it off the market and "tweaked" it for safety. (I own one now, and it was fairly useful.) 
  • Life experiences: God has given me a wonderful, trying marriage, and two very lovely needy children. I am truly thankful for them (no really!!) Through my trials with them, I am learning alot and normally the hard way. I am more than happy to share these with everyone so that you can chuckle, or learn.
  • Growth in Christ: Yes, I'm Christian. No, I am not perfect. Far from it actually, much to the chagrin of my husband and destruction of my kids' psyches. I have very strong Christian beliefs, and will be sharing those herein. If Christ offends you, I am not sorry, I am grieved for your lost soul. If you love Him as much as I do, I hope you enjoy sharing my walk with Christ and grow as much as I do, and that my walk inspires you and teaches you.
What not to expect:
  • Perfect grammer, spelling, punctuation, complete coherent thoughts... I am a mom, afterall. I suffer from a severe case of mommy-brain. My car is a mess, my house is a disaster five minutes or less after I clean it. The smell of kid shampoo, detangler, vomit, and poop often permeate my house, car, and person. My writing will suffer because even as I type now, Caillou is on, I have a toddler kicking me as she plays with my iPhone, and another toddler begging me for attention. I often think faster than I type and whole sentences may be left out. Feel free to point things out, but be nice! Honestly if my mommy-brain offends or disturbs you, don't read my blogs!!
  • Constant, consistent posting. There may be periods where things are just too stressful.  Check back, though! I'll surely have something interesting to say when things calm back down!
  • Negativity: I try very hard to look on the bright side and to be uplifting. I am not blogging to whine, just to laugh. Negative comments, rudeness, and crude language will not be permitted or tolerated. If anything I ever post offends you, stop, reread, or rethink why you're offended. Think about the best possible meaning I could have and go with that. If you are still offended, try introspection, works for me!
Ok, I'm being paged by two toddlers in the buff. I hope to blog again soon!

Stay hungry!

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